Playing a key role in health technology assessment, worldwide. For over 25 years.
Our staff in different departments
The institute for Medical Technology Assessment is divided among two key groups: the faculty staff and the contract research division. Both are located in the same building, and focus on high quality and transparent academic output. The contract division consists of staff (generally post-PhD) dedicated to solving health economic questions of public and private clients. The faculty staff executes the key university tasks regarding research and teaching.
Contract Research Division

Prof Carin Uyl-de Groot
Statutory director
Prof Maureen Rutten-van Mölken
Scientific director
Martine Hoogendoorn-Lips, PhD
Assistant DirectorContract Research Division Staff

Brenda Leeneman
Emma Palsma
Gimon de Graaf, PhD
Senior Researcher
Isaac Corro Ramos, PhD
Principle Methodology
Leonie van Bemmelen
Martine Hoogendoorn-Lips, PhD
Senior researcher
Stavros Anagnostopoulos
Tim Kanters, PhD
Senior Researcher
Valérie Wester, PhD
Caroline Verboom
Operations coordinator
Karina Trouwborst
Finance & Project ControllerBoard

Prof. Werner Brouwer
Chairman of the Board
Prof. Em. Frans Rutten
Board Member
Prof. Jaap Verweij
Board memberErasmus University Rotterdam Faculty Staff - dept. HTA
Senior Staff

Maureen Rutten-van Mölken
Faculty staff director
Carin Uyl-de Groot
Maiwenn Al
Associate professor
Esther de Bekker-Grob
Hedwig Blommestein
Associate Professor
Leona Hakkaart
Associate professor
Ken Redekop
Associate professorResearch staff

Lucas Goossens
Assistant Professor
Seamus Kent
Assistant Professor
Eline Krijkamp
Annemieke Leunis-van Dongen
Assistant Professor
Marten Poley
Assistant Professor
Venetia Qendri
Frederick Thielen
Assistant Professor
Mehlika Toy
Assistant Professor